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How to Get Slim

A healthy way to get slim (and stay slim) is to increase your exercise. This helps to burn extra calories and raises your resting metabolic rate. It keeps your body working efficiently and it boosts your motivation to lose weight.

How Exercise Helps You to Slim Your Body

Let's say you eat an average slice of angel food cake (approx 150 calories).

* If you jump rope, you can burn off all these calories in about 13 minutes.
* If you walk at 3mph, you can burn off these calories in about 30 minutes.
* In addition, exercise helps to raise your metabolic rate, which makes it easier to lose weight.
* Finally, exercise also helps you to lose weight by boosting your motivation to stick to your weight loss program.

Note: all calorie-burn figures are approximate. They are based on a 150 pound woman. If you weigh more, you'll burn more calories. If you weigh less, you'll burn less calories.
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Terkena atau Terpijak Paku Berkarat

Ambil segera sebatang bawang putih yang berdaun buang kulitnya kemudian celup dalam minyak dan panaskan di atas api, apabila sudah panas tampalkan pada bahagian yang terluka berulang kali buatlah 2 kali sehari. Insyaallah baik.
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Diet and physical activity: a public health priority

Healthy diets and regular, adequate physical activity are major factors in the promotion and maintenance of good health throughout the entire life course.

Unhealthy diets and physical inactivity are two of the main risk factors for raised blood pressure, raised blood glucose, abnormal blood lipids, overweight/obesity, and for the major chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes.

* Overall, 2.7 million deaths are attributable to low fruit and vegetable intake.
* Overall, 1.9 million deaths are attributable to physical inactivity.

Recognizing the unique opportunity that exists to formulate and implement an effective strategy for substantially reduce deaths and disease burden worldwide by improving diet and promoting physical activity, WHO has adopted, in May 2004, the "Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health".


Diet and Physical Activity
Unhealthy diets and physical inactivity are two of the main modifiable risk factors for most of the main chronic diseases.

Childhood obesity
Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. More than 75% of affected children live in low- and middle- income countries.

Obesity and overweight
Obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, with approximately 1.6 billion adults and at least 20 million children under the age of 5 being overweight.

Chronic diseases
Chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes, are by far the leading cause of mortality in the world, representing 60% of all deaths.
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Healthy LifeStyle Tips

The most rewarding part of writing LifeStyle Tips is for your life to change. What's even more exciting is for you to know that it is never too late to change your lifestyle.
My main prospective is that eating a variety of organic fruits and vegetables will balance the body's acid/alkaline levels to obtain maximum health.

Avoid packaged foods with more than five ingredients…and be sure you get enough B vitamins!" (The consumer Reports OnHealth) The best thing we can do is to saturate our bodies with the right nutrients which is the very foundation of optimal health.

Allow good nutritional care along with your health care provider; give the body what is needed to keep it in the best possible health. You will find medical studies and helpful tips to perk up your health.

Diabetic Drug Metformin Depletes Vitamin B12

*Many physicians and Metformin patients are unaware that Metformin depletes the body of vitamin B12. However, this side effect can be reversed by taking additional supplements of B12 and calcium. Metformin interferes with calcium metabolism which affects the absorption of B12. Ask the Pharmacist, August 2007 Life Extension pg 85

Diabetics and Sugar

*Diabetics should avoid sugar; but how much? According to HealthCastle.com, on a 2000 calorie intake a day, a diabetic should consume no more than 50g (10 teaspoons) of sugar per day. Remember these sugars are fructose, dextrose, lactose, glucose, sucrose and maltose. More weight should be given to the amount of sugar used, than the type of sugar used.

Natural Sweetener

*Stevia a natural sweetener is three hundred times sweeter than regular sugar. It can be used for cooking and baking and it is an excellent alternative to synthetic sweeteners. Stevia is an herb that grows in South America. Stevia was use by the natives in Paraguay for centuries and by Japan since 1970 and available in the United States in 1990.

Other Sweetener

*White and brown sugar, honey, and corn syrup brakes down quietly in the bloodstream, causing cravings, constant hunger and your blood sugar to surge.

Diet Verses Regular

*According to Boston University, there is no difference between a diet drink and a regular drink. They are both linked to the same health problems. The results of the study were published online July 23, 2007, Circulation Journal website.

*More than 1 soda per day may cause diabetes or cardiovascular disease (HealthDay News).

More Is Not Better

*When taking a supplement you may think, because it is a vitamin to improve your health you may take as many as you like. Not true, there is a Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL). An intake above this level puts you at risk. Instead of assisting the body it can become harmful. Be sure to read the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA). Take vitamins for a specific medical condition, you will more than likely need to take more than the recommended amount. Do not take without medical supervision. (ConsumerLab.com)

Healthy Heart

*Keep your heart healthy with fish and fish oil, whole grains, onions, and spinach. Heart disease is the number one killer among men and women in the United States. Nubella Newsletter July 18, 2007

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How Do You Maintain Weight Loss?

Get your head working and the middle will take care of itself!

The key to losing weight and keeping it off is to understand what really motivates you. Once you’ve felt the initial excitement of losing the first few pounds, you must find a way to turn that enthusiasm into the willpower to stick with your eating plan. You will encounter both ups and downs as you learn to maintain your weight. To help you through the downs, you need coping strategies. Think about what you really want to achieve. That desire will help you turn your eating and exercise strategies into a lifestyle that leads to lifelong weight control.

* Ask Questions. What gives you the strength to resist temptation? Can you form new habits that you can live with forever? What are the rewards of weight loss for you? How much do you want those rewards?

* Get Real. Losing 1 to 2 pounds a week is a realistic goal. Don’t burden yourself with unrealistic expectations. Talk with your healthcare professional to determine a healthy goal weight.

* Stay Balanced. To maintain your weight, you must balance your intake of calories with the energy you burn. Just the difference of one 12-ounce soda (150 calories) versus at least 30 minutes of brisk walking on most days can add or subtract about 10 pounds to your weight each year!

* Step Up to the Challenge. Strap on a pedometer and find out how many steps you take each day. Gradually add just 250 steps per day averaged out over the week. That will give you a good start on a healthy routine of physical activity. Most sedentary adults take only 2,500 to 3,500 steps a day. Aim to add between 4,000 to 6,000 to whatever you are doing now, for a total of 10,000 or more each day. The more steps you take, the better.

* Shop Smart. Start your food control at the grocery store. Shop on a full stomach, use a list, read the labels on every food you buy, and skip any food that is not part of your chosen eating plan.

* Take Notes. As you plan your eating and activity strategies, keep records. What types of foods are you eating? How do the calories add up? How much are you moving? As you lose weight, record what works for you and what doesn't. Review your notes so you can change strategies if needed.

* Weigh Less. Don’t get on the scales every day. Once a week is fine. Try measuring inches lost instead of pounds.

Plan Ahead. Plan your meals, plan for ups and downs, plan for holidays and plan to feel great when you’ve made health a daily habit. If you can do what’s right 75 percent of the time, you’re going to succeed in the long run! Read more!
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Petua Menaikkan Seri Wajah

Basuhkan muka anda dengan menggunakan air basuhan beras yang ke tiga. bilas dengan air bersih setelah sepuluh minit berlalu. amalkan selalu. Read more!
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Kek Oren Istimewa

1 buku mentega
2 cawan gula kastor
3 cawan tepung gandum
5 biji telur
½ cawan susu cair
1 camca teh vanilla esen
2 camca besar kulit oren (diparut)
3 camca besar jus oren
1 camca teh serbuk penaik.

1. campurkan gula dan mentega dan pukul hingga kembang dan putih. Jika adunan diangkat, ia tidak akan jatuh.
2. Masukkan telur dan esen vanilla ,pukul selama 4 minit atau hingga telur sebati dengan adunan.
3. Kemudian masukkan tepung gandum berserta serbuk penaik dan gaul sebati.
4. Setelah adunan sebati, masukkan jus oren, kulit oren dan susu cair. Gaul sebati.
5. Bakar adunan dalam suhu 180 selama 40 minit atau sehingga masak.

Cadangan Hidangan:
1. Adunan kek juga boleh dicampur dengan buah-buhan kering sebelum dibakar.

1. Susu cair boleh digantikan dengan susu pekat .Campurkan 2 camca besar susu pekat dengan air hingga menjadi 1/2 cawan.
2. Mentega juga boleh diganti dengan 2 cawan marjerin. Read more!
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